IPA will advocate to all stakeholders, including legislators, insurers, patients, government entities, and others to uphold the purposes and objections of the organization as set forth below.
Purposes and Objectives of the Idaho Psychiatric Association
The purposes for which the Association is organized are:
- to promote the common professional interests of its members;
- to improve the treatment, rehabilitation, and care of persons with mental disorders (including mental retardation and substance-related disorders);
- to advance the standards of all psychiatric services and facilities;
- to promote research, professional education in psychiatry and allied fields, and the prevention of psychiatric disabilities;
- to foster the cooperation of all who are concerned with the medical, psychological, social, and legal aspects of mental health and illness;
- to make psychiatric knowledge available to practitioners of medicine, to scientists, and to the public;
- to promote the best interests of patients and those actually or potentially making use of mental health services; and
- to advocate for its members.